Viral Small Business DFY Order | The Viral Small Business IQ


What You're Getting:

  • Done-for You Viral Campaign setup. Our team will set up the software and create a custom campaign for your business that is based on our past successful campaigns.

  • Initial Attraction Offer Advisement and Setup. We'll also help you set up the ideal offers to guarantee that your campaigns go viral. We've been doing this for years and know exactly the types of offers that tip these campaigns over the viral edge.

  • Upsell and Upgrade offer Advisement and Setup. We'll also help you create and polish your upgrade offers. This ensures that you convert each new lead into a full blown customer and keep the freebie seekers out.

  • Our Streamlined Staff Training. We'll also help train your staff on how to take the offers and upsell the upgrade offers. This doesn't take long but we've got the staff training part down to a science. You set us up with your team for an hour and we'll have them ready to go with our Streamlined "Viral Small Business" staff training.

  • Text Message Followup Automations. Our team will also custom create all of the follow up automations that will drive new customers to your front door every single week.

  • All the Time List Broadcast Access. You'll get full access to be able to send out promotions to all of the people that have gone through your campaign in the past. You can send out text to generate business with every new promotion or offer (no more slow days).

  • Full Monthly Campaign Management and Monitoring. You're also getting access to our team that will be managing and guaranteeing the success of your campaigns every week.

  • Premium Live Customer Support 5 Days a Week. You will also get a private number that you can call anytime if you need help, have questions, or want to send out something extra to generate business. We build the engine and then we'll be there to help make sure you make 5-10x your investment every month.

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    This Program has a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Your Purchase is Protected by our Satisfaction Promise.
